Hybrid Workforce Software


Ten Spot


Prototype & Design Comps, Workshops, Persona Research


Lead Product Designer

Tools & Software

Figma, Miro


The context of work suddenly changed, we needed to change with it.


Support hybrid work, make employees lives better.


Ten Spot was originally Fit Spot, a wellness company who specialized in onsite fitness experiences. During 2020, they needed to adapt as everything suddenly shifted online.

Ten Spot wanted to offer more than fitness classes, and added educational workshops, experiences, and wellness content delivered through their portals. I was brought on to create the next iteration of the company, which would be more focused on creating a communication platform that would foster active conversations and team building across the employee base.


Employees face challenges in maintaining their well-being and staying connected as a hybrid workforce.

Ten Spot aims to help companies boost productivity, retention, and build a strong culture. Their goal was to create a solution that addresses the specific needs of employees and enhances their overall well-being in the workplace.


Comp Analysis

I spent some time looking at features of companies that are in the workforce management space.

One thing we noticed is that there was a lack of onboarding experiences, which would become one of the main features of the Ten Spot product.

Persona Development

I ran a series of interviews that focused first with HR decision makers, as they were the ones who would be our first line of communication and would be the ones deciding to purchase the product or not.

After the interviews were done, I ran a persona workshop so that Ten Spot would be more familiar with this customer.


I investigated some previous interviews with HR leaders, and then ran a workshop with a PM and engineering lead to make sure we agreed upon the motivations of Hannah, our persona.

Most Important Jobs

Through the interview efforts we also determined the individual jobs that an HR representative is most concerned with when thinking of their employees

1. Onboarding:

Provide a seamless experience for new employees who were starting their job as a remote employee. Give them opportunities to give feedback about how things were going for them.

2. Helping employees be engaged with fitness:

Employees may want to discover and join fitness classes offered by Ten Spot to improve their physical well-being.

3. Connecting with colleagues:

Employees may seek opportunities to connect and bond with their colleagues through Ten Spot's communication platform, which includes features like chat, leaderboards, goal setting, and shout-outs.

4. Managing the wellness program:

Users who are corporate clients may want to efficiently manage their entire wellness program through Ten Spot's single platform, which allows them to track and monitor employee engagement with various experiences.

Product Development

At this point we felt confident that we could help the HR representative do fulfill all of their jobs and meet their goals. We broke the design and development into sections with an MVP mindset.

We had two major phases:

Phase 1: Slack Onboarding (Ten Spot Bot)

Phase 2: Team HQ

Phase 1: Slack Onboarding (Ten Spot Bot)

Most of our target companies were small to mid-sized companies, and we had received some BI that Slack was an important piece of the puzzle.

It made sense to start there, and create a solution for new employees. I carefully crafted an employees experience, from Day 1, Hour 1.

Day 1, Hour 1

Ten Spot Bot welcomes new employee and gives important information about where to find help when it comes to their equipment.

It also introduces itself as a guide for their onboarding experience.

Day 1, Hour 2

Ten Spot Bot introduces the new employee to their new hire buddy, and gives them a calendar invite.

Day 1, EOD

Ten Spot Bot asks a few questions to get to know the new employee and be able to share that info to other employees based on their timezone and preferences.

Day 2, Hour 1

Ten Spot Bot gets to know more about the new employees working habits, to use later when auto-scheduling meetings.

Day 2, EOD

Ten Spot Bot lets the employee know about an upcoming meditation class.

End of Week 1

At the end of the week, Ten Spot Bot collects some data about how an employee is doing.

If they select that they aren’t doing well, Ten Spot Bot gives them some resources to address their issues.

If they select in the positive, Ten Spot Bot reinforces their emotional state.

Phase 2: Team HQ

We also wanted to provide a solution for companies that don’t currently use Slack, or have departments that use different systems all-together. We would have a centralized experience for all employees of a company, which could essentially be their homepage.

I designed the interface from the ground-up, and created a series of components.

Team HQ Home

An employee can see their calendar, upcoming events, and a stream of what is happening at their company

A quick way to check the pulse of the company

An intro from a new employee. They entered this information via Slack.

Company Sessions

The employee sees a mixture of company sponsored events, and important meetings.

On Demand

A library that combines company news, entertainment, and other videos that promotes wellness.


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