Under Construction

Helping Customers Pay Their People


The Orchard / Sony Music


Prototype & Design Comps, Research Design & Reporting


Lead Product Designer

Tools & Software

Figma, Miro, Survey Monkey


We needed a solution for our customers to pay those who worked for them.


Create a tool that increases customer satisfaction.


The Orchard wants to keep customers, and created a three pronged approach for doing so:

  1. Provide better business intelligence

  2. Provide better tools for managing content

  3. Accounting tools that set us apart from competitors

I was part of a team that worked on the accounting tools.Artists now want direct relationships with large scale music distributors like The Orchard, and all parties involved want more transparency—especially when it comes to money.

Service Provider to Service Bank

The Orchard is owned by Sony Music and the partnership has moved past just providing a distribution service.

The Orchard can now act more as a bank and hold royalties. By using technology to cut down on manual accounting, Sony can offload more accounting resources and focus on other parts of their business.

Traditionally, record labels work directly with distributors, collect all royalties and then separately pay their artists and contributors.

The Orchard as Service "Bank"


Record Label

A company, who holds rights to content, and traditionally manages accounting


A company, who owns the pipelines that connects to streaming services, and charges a fee to use those pipes.


A company, or person, who holds right to content and is paid by the record label.


A person who is paid by a customer, who helped produce or promote their music.


Competitive Analysis

The Orchard is competitive in its product offering, except for one key area, which is paying out royalities.

Soliciting User Feedback

The first step in uncovering the problem was to recruit users to get more information about how they work and more specific information about their business.

Information about how much detail they need, the size of their business, how many artists they manage, what format they use for their statements, and how they currently calculate royalties.

The results of the study confirmed our problem statement, our users thought royalties were the most important.

Pain Points

We also confirmed some pain points with our users:

Record Label

Accounting is getting complex, and doesn’t provide returns. More technology is needed, and I’m not great at that.


I can do the technology, but customers don’t know me as an authority when it comes to accounting.


We are spending too much time and money figuring out how much we are owed and who we have to pay.


It takes forever for me to get paid, and I’m not sure it is clear that I’m getting the right amount.




Customer Feedback

Quantitative Results

Some learnings:

#1: Adoption was lower than expected

  • Customers with small number of Collaborators may not need this product

  • Some labels pay upon receipt of invoice and don’t need batch payments

  • Labels have existing payment method they are happy with – reluctant to change

#2: They aren’t using the payments portion.

  • Confusion and time issues around process with Wise (payment processor)

  • Lack of understanding of funding process

  • Some territories not supported by Wise


B2B Billing